Bölmə: 2009

The information on referendum posted by Association for Civil Society Development and “ELS” Center of Independent Research – updated

Information on referendum posted by Association for Civil Society Development and “ELS” Center of Independent Research the preliminary information given by ACSDA and “ELS” Center of Independent Research in connection with the 18 March 2008 referendum on additions and amendments to the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan is was reported the according to the result of the “exit-poll” held in 800 polling stations of 118 election constituencies throughout Azerbaijan by ACSDA and “ELS” Center of Independent Research, the activity of voters was as high as 69,7% and more than 50% of the interviewed voters supported the 29 changes and amendments in the ballot paper. Davamı


A Round Table titled “How to make traffic safe?”

The number of cars during recent last years has sharply increased in the republic and continues to increase, and almost half of all vehicles of the country are registered in Baku. If we add to this official 296 thousands number of the cars registered in regions, owners of which either live, or earn in Baku, we’ll get figure much above. In such conditions the precise organization of traffic and pedestrian cross in particular is required. Davamı
