A Round Table titled “How to make traffic safe?”

The number of cars during recent last years has sharply increased in the republic and continues to increase, and almost half of all vehicles of the country are registered in Baku. If we add to this official 296 thousands number of the cars registered in regions, owners of which either live, or earn in Baku, we’ll get figure much above. In such conditions the precise organization of traffic and pedestrian cross in particular is required.

Official data allow to draw a conclusion that the safety on roads for today causes fair criticism. For the recent 10 years the death cases on roads of the country has been 7946 persons and number of wounded – 29002 persons among the total number of road and transport accidents of 25438. Thus, the total number of victims in road accident has made hardly less than 37 thousands persons that is equal to number of the whole city. And if to consider, that it is a question only of officially registered accidents it is clear that in reality these figures look a little bit differently and almost half of road accidents take place in Baku.

The ELS Independent Research Center has lead monitoring of the organization of pedestrian cross in Baku which has revealed many gaps and discrepancies to existing rules of traffic, both roads and infrastructures of city, for what first of all are responsible corresponding state structures.

The intense situation on roads, the majority from which already for today are in a condition rather far from the international standards is aggravated also with the human factor. Frequently the reasons of incidents become non-observance of rules of traffic rules both drivers and pedestrians. But the most terrible, that all participants of traffic regardless their age the certain concepts about rules of behavior on roads were generated. Adults, breaking everywhere and threatening the life, not only set an example to rising generation, but also bring up them in spirit of permissiveness. For 2006 in the country in road and transport accidents were lost 65 and 214 children in the age of less than 16 were injured.

Therefore we have decided to discuss on a round table with pupils and teachers of Baku in high schools located in places of intensive movement of transport a problem caused by this and also to draw their attention to necessity of observance of traffic rules. On a round table all questions of pupils were answered by the representative of the Baku Traffic Police Office, the chief of a department of propagation of safe traffic and public relations, the colonel-lieutenant of police Mr. Vagif Asadov.

In all the activities (conducted round tables at schools 160, 8 and 134) pupils raised questions first of all connected with non-observance of traffic rules by drivers. This and the sound signals affecting to carrying out lessons; a parking of cars in front of a school building, being an obstacle to pedestrian cross; absence of signs “Attention children!” near schools; ignoring by drivers of a zebra; conversations of drivers by mobile phones during driving; occurrence of sufficient number of young (17-18 years) less experienced drivers behind the steer etc. Children interested, why the traffic police does not undertake real steps on prevention of mentioned facts. Besides the dense intensive stream of transport, except for noise, also pollutes air exhausts of gases that is negatively reflecting health of children. Therefore the attention to the question on necessity of redistribution of transport streams to reduce number of cars passing by school was brought. Proposals on installation of “lying policemen” near schools sounded so that drivers reduced speed, providing with that safe crossing of road by pupils. The attention to the question on necessity of more serious penalties for maintenance of the order on roads was brought.
