Bölmə: What do we know about AH1N1?

Protection of population against flues and other kinds of deceases

The ELS Independent Research Center as a continuation of its research had conducted the next telephone survey during October 20 – 25, 2009 with the aim to identify whether the population is aware of the virus the H1N1 known as seasonable virus and “pig flue”. There was evaluated the level of awareness of 420 inhabitants (further called respondent or interviewed) of Baku city against flue and prophylactic actions. The 48,1 percent of respondents were men and 51,9 percent were women. The distribution of respondents on the age category was as following: 1,4 % – below 18 years old, 31,4 % – 18 – 29 years old, 24 % – 30 – 39 years old, 19,8 % – 40 – 49 years old, 17,5 % – 50 – 64 years old, 5,9 % – above 64 years old. Davamı
