In 2009 is going to be appeared horrible pictograms on surface of cigarette boxes in Kirgizia

From April 2009 on boxes of tobacco products will be described horrible pictograms instead of colorful pictures. Deputy Minister of Health of the Republic of Kirgizia Mr. Madamin Karataev told about it on a press conference. Based on his words the article 11 “Requirements to packing and marking tobacco products” of the Law of the Republic of Kirgizia on “Protection of health of citizen of the Republic of Kirgizia from harmful impact of tobacco” will start to come to force from 1st of April 2009. According to that article each box and pack of tobacco product should consist of a medical precaution which covers at least 50 % of the main surface of both sides of the box in a form of text, picture or pictogram.

“Instead of colorful pictures on all boxes of cigarette will be images of casualties resulting from smoking, these methods will be useful to help youth to decide not to start to smoke and help smokers to get rid of that habit” – emphasized Mr. M. Karataev.
