Bölmə: 2008

40 interviewers and 4 supervisors participated on the training organized in Sumgayit

sum1The “ELS” Independent Research Center had organized trainings on September 13 in Sumgayit city for interviewers and supervisors going to work at the polling stations covered by the “Exit – poll” on this territory. The training process was conducted in different times of the day in 4 groups and participants were informed about the importance of “Exit – poll”. 40 interviewers and 4 supervisors joined to the training conducted at the Sumgayit office of the Association for Civil Society Development in Azerbaijan. Davamı


The first stage of trainings has been completed in Devechi and Khizi regions

The “ELS” Independent Research Center had organized trainings for interviewers and supervisors that are going to participate on polling stations covered by the “exit poll” on September 19 in Devechi region and Shurabad settlement of Khizi region. Interviewers and supervisors participating at the training conducted on the first stage of trainings were explained with their duties and responsibilities. A trainer informed about the forms of existing questionnaires planned to be used in “exit poll” and about the rules of working with these documents. Davamı


Trainings concerning the “Exit – poll” survey were conducted in Shirvan, Beylagan, Imishli and Saatli

The trainings concerning the “Exit – poll” survey were conducted in Shirvan, Sabirabad, Beylagan, Imishli and Saatli regions on September 11, 13 and 14 by the “ELS” Independent Research Center. On the training organized in Shirvan city on 11th of September participated interviewers and supervisors working at the polling stations of Shirvan and Hajigabul regions covered by “exit – poll”. On the training conducted at the regional center of the Association for Civil Society Development in Azerbaijan the participants were explained about the concept of “exit -poll” and about conducting it according to the relevant rules. Besides, at the training the participants were informed about the ways of using questionnaires applied in “exit- poll”. Davamı


The observers concerning the “Quick count” survey were involved to trainings

The ELS Independent Research Center had started trainings concerning the “Quick – count” survey. 6 observers are going to conduct “Quick – count” survey on October 15 presidential elections participated at the training. The detailed information was presented to participants about the concept of the survey during the training. Later was told about the ways and facilities of conducting the “quick – count” survey by the trainer. The observers that are going to implement the survey during the voting day were also explained their duties and responsibilities. At the end of the training the questions asked by the participants were answered.

It should be mentioned that the “ELS” Independent Research Center and the Association for Civil Society Development in Azerbaijan will be carrying out “Exit – poll” and “Quick – count” survey at 800 polling stations. 800 observers are prepared by the ELS Independent Research Center for conducting “Quick – count” survey during the “Exit – poll” survey.


Trainers and supervisors from Garadagh, Surakhani and Khatai districts were involved to trainings

On September 16,18,19 the “ELS” Independent Research Center had organized trainings for interviewers and supervisors that are going to conduct “Exit – Poll” at constituencies and polling stations of Garadagh, Surakhani and Khatai districts of Baku on the day of presidential elections. At the first stage of the training the participants were instructed by the trainers about their tasks and responsibilities. At the same time the forms of questionnaires planned to be used during the exit poll survey were presented to interviewers and supervisors during the training process. Davamı
