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Road traffic

piyada1There will be organized the first worldwide Ministerial Meeting on road traffic safety on November 19 – 20, 2009 in Moscow. The slogan of the meeting: It is time for action! It is mentioned on the press release that globalization has … Davamı



Azerbaijani non-governmental organizations will conduct exit-poll in the referendum vote to amend the Constitution. ELS Independent Studies Center will conduct in 800 polling stations of 118 constituencies in the referendum vote, ELS head Irada Yagubova said in a press conference. Davamı



The ELS Independent Research Center as a continuation of its research had conducted the next telephone

The ELS Independent Research Center as a continuation of its research had conducted the next telephone survey during October 20 – 25, 2009 with the aim to identify whether the population is aware of the virus the H1N1 known as seasonable virus and “pig flue”. Davamı
